First tries to extract only digits, separating these by underscore
when there are multiple blocks. If this give a non-valid id, returns the
whole string without spaces and periods, hoping it makes sense.
For internal use, but should be overridden for exotic IDs
- id
One item from column Identifikation, e.g. "KEK-ZH-Nr.2013-1234"
#> function (id)
#> {
#> id1 = paste(str_match_all(id, "([\\d]+)")[[1]][, 2], collapse = "_")
#> if (nchar(id1) >= 5)
#> return(id1)
#> tolower(str_replace_all(id, "[\\.\\-\\W]+", "_"))
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x561d61a093f0>
#> <environment: namespace:breathtestcore>