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Given a fit to 13C breath test curves, computes between-group confidence intervals and p-values, for examples of the half emptying time t50, with correction for multiple testing.


coef_diff_by_group(fit, mcp_group = "Tukey", reference_group = NULL, ...)



Object of class breathtestfit, for example from nlme_fit, nls_fit


"Tukey" (default) for all pairwise comparisons, "Dunnett" for comparisons relative to the reference group.


Used as the first group and as reference group for mcp_group == "Dunnett"


Not used


A tibble of class coef_diff_by_group with columns


Parameter of fit, e.g. beta, k, m, t50


Method used to compute parameter. exp_beta refers to primary fit parameters beta, k, m. maes_ghoos uses the method from Maes B D, Ghoos Y F, Rutgeerts P J, Hiele M I, Geypens B and Vantrappen G 1994 Dig. Dis. Sci. 39 S104-6. bluck_coward is the self-correcting method from Bluck L J C and Coward W A 2006


Which pairwise difference, e.g solid - liquid


Estimate of the difference

conf.low, conf.high

Lower and upper 95 A comparison is significantly different from zero when both estimates have the same sign.


p-value of the difference against 0, corrected for multiple testing


data = usz_13c %>%
  dplyr::filter( patient_id %in%
    c("norm_001", "norm_002", "norm_003", "norm_004", "pat_001", "pat_002","pat_003")) %>%
fit = nls_fit(data)
#> # A tibble: 27 × 7
#>    parameter method   groups                  estimate conf.low conf.h…¹ p.value
#>    <chr>     <chr>    <chr>                      <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 beta      exp_beta solid_normal - liquid_…  1.40e-1 -3.29e-1  6.09e-1 7.63e-1
#>  2 beta      exp_beta solid_patient - liquid…  2.45e-2 -4.77e-1  5.26e-1 9.93e-1
#>  3 beta      exp_beta solid_patient - solid_… -1.16e-1 -5.85e-1  3.53e-1 8.32e-1
#>  4 deviance  exp_beta solid_normal - liquid_… -1.41e+1 -2.96e+1  1.38e+0 8.21e-2
#>  5 deviance  exp_beta solid_patient - liquid…  5.20e+1 -2.95e+0  1.07e+2 6.76e-2
#>  6 deviance  exp_beta solid_patient - solid_…  6.62e+1  1.17e+1  1.21e+2 1.31e-2
#>  7 k         exp_beta solid_normal - liquid_… -3.45e-3 -6.00e-3 -9.01e-4 4.45e-3
#>  8 k         exp_beta solid_patient - liquid… -6.04e-3 -9.60e-3 -2.48e-3 2.25e-4
#>  9 k         exp_beta solid_patient - solid_… -2.59e-3 -5.96e-3  7.93e-4 1.71e-1
#> 10 m         exp_beta solid_normal - liquid_… -1.57e+1 -1.91e+1 -1.24e+1 0      
#> # … with 17 more rows, and abbreviated variable name ¹​conf.high
# \donttest{
fit = nlme_fit(data)
#> # A tibble: 24 × 7
#>    parameter method       groups             estimate conf.low conf.h…¹  p.value
#>    <chr>     <chr>        <chr>                 <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 beta      exp_beta     solid_normal - li…  8.74e-2 -1.70e-1  3.44e-1 7.05e- 1
#>  2 beta      exp_beta     solid_patient - l…  1.17e-1 -1.58e-1  3.92e-1 5.78e- 1
#>  3 beta      exp_beta     solid_patient - s…  2.96e-2 -2.27e-1  2.86e-1 9.61e- 1
#>  4 k         exp_beta     solid_normal - li… -3.73e-3 -5.35e-3 -2.11e-3 1.80e- 7
#>  5 k         exp_beta     solid_patient - l… -5.51e-3 -8.22e-3 -2.80e-3 4.52e- 6
#>  6 k         exp_beta     solid_patient - s… -1.78e-3 -4.38e-3  8.21e-4 2.42e- 1
#>  7 m         exp_beta     solid_normal - li… -1.55e+1 -2.00e+1 -1.10e+1 7.44e-15
#>  8 m         exp_beta     solid_patient - l… -4.48e+0 -2.44e+1  1.54e+1 8.54e- 1
#>  9 m         exp_beta     solid_patient - s…  1.11e+1 -8.72e+0  3.08e+1 3.82e- 1
#> 10 t50       bluck_coward solid_normal - li…  1.49e+1  3.90e+0  2.59e+1 4.28e- 3
#> # … with 14 more rows, and abbreviated variable name ¹​conf.high
# }
# TODO: Add example for Stan fit typecast to class \code{breathtestfit} to compute
# confidence intervals instead of credible intervals